Hello there,
Welcome to my home.
Sometimes, I wish this page gets updated in real-time, every moment an experience changes my perceptions and the way I see the world. How wonderful would it be, if I were to wake up one day and see clearly, this dynamic me, bundled over countless lives of experiences, inside and outside me?
Welcome to my home.
Sometimes, I wish this page gets updated in real-time, every moment an experience changes my perceptions and the way I see the world. How wonderful would it be, if I were to wake up one day and see clearly, this dynamic me, bundled over countless lives of experiences, inside and outside me?
I am not what I do. I am a writer and independent management consultant. I am curious about culture and agriculture. I track the agritech scene and also work with few agritech startups and mid-size firms. I love writing and telling stories, especially from Mahabharata. My writings can be found on Agribusiness Matters and LinkedIn. More recently, I started Dharma and Dharmasankata to learn and discover my indic roots. If you want to know my boring professional background, you can check out my LinkedIn profile.
My Story
"Any sufficiently advanced work is indistinguishable from Play" - Seb PaquetEver since I received my first "satori" of the potential of the Internet in 2009, I've realized that I don't need that old twentieth-century idea- "Career" - to dictate what I needed to do in my life. Wherever work felt like music, I've played along.
After working for eight years on a paycheque lifestyle, I have taken the free agency road for the 2nd time to test the truth of Seb's hypothesis. You can check out "The Gigyasa Project Begins" to learn more about my business philosophy and my Consulting page to learn more about my offerings.
I have also co-founded "Mandram Indic Talks Foundation", a non-profit organization with my friend Maggie to curate cutting-edge scientific research, innovative ideas, insights and concepts in native indic languages. We conduct open-for-all TED-like events and help scientists, innovators and technologists explain their work in native languages to reach a wider audience. We record these talks, edit and distribute them via Youtube. You can check out "Mandram Journey Ahead" to learn more about our vision and check out our videos on our Youtube page.
When I am not working, I play Mridangam, sing and at times, travel across the country to play Kanjeera with my fellow Kabir fakiri singer Vipul Rikhi.