A romantic view of design

How do designers solve problems differently, to say the least, from the rest? Or to jump right at the meat of things, how do designers perceive problems differently from the rest? Ever since I developed the itch to learn the art of design, I've let this question brew inside, allowing it to ferment as I moonlighted over small design experiments and occasional inspired readings.

As serendipity would have it, while dipping my toes into the effervescent Twitter stream a couple of days ago, my attention circled over a tweet made by my favorite thinker, Dave Snowden.
Dave's sneering remark on "Design thinking" came as a surprise. It led me to introspect my enthusiasm over the burgeoning popularity of design in the age of "digital revolution". Truth be told, I am among the multitudes who have sung hosannas to the importance of design in humanizing the current technological landscape. (You can check this one where I suggest MBA types to learn design to get rid of the bullshit they were taught in B-School). 

2014 reflections:My blog in retrospective

Hola! We are in the first week of January 2015. The day seems appropriate to reflect on not just the year that passed by, but also this blog and thereby my life. My agenda for this post follows my perspective. I like to gaze the skies before grazing the valleys.

Gazing the skies
When I started my blog in 2007, under the title, "Ruminations of an enchanted soul", it was just another quiet lane where I gathered few pebbles of thoughts for display. Armed with nothing but an amateur's passion for writing and my naive sense of aesthetics, I wrote my darnedest in the earnest hope that few friends would find the alley inviting enough to play or at least stroll around in their private moments of leisure.