Reflections on money,hypocrisy and middle-class

I've always felt uncomfortable over conversations involving personal financial affairs. I suck at it. I noticed this keenly when I wrote a mail to a friend a week ago, reminding him of the money he owed me for the work I did for him. While writing the email, I could sense my discomfort as my train of thought inched closer to write the exact amount he owed me. I squirmed. I replaced the amount figure with a vague reminder to pay what was due. While I thought it was okay for such thing to happen with a not-so-close friend, I was surprised to see myself reacting the same way, if not with a fragile sense of discomfort, with my dearer ones. 

As I reflected on my uneasiness towards money, I could see my conditioned response making sense with money as a Faustian bargain with the devil. Why does money always have to be this way? What makes money so powerful to dictate us to do things that we don't like, take up jobs that we don't enjoy, live in cities that we hate, and live lives of quiet desperation?